Movie Review: Jason Bourne

By | July 30, 2016

Non-stop action and some great cinematography almost make up for the lack of characterization and minuscule plot advancement. I have to mention, I’ve seen the other four “Bourne” film, but don’t remember a lot about them. So, many of the references to past films mostly fly over my head, so things like “Blackbriar” and “The Program” probably mean nothing to somebody who hasn’t watched any of the previous movies. There is a bit of a slow start, but once the action kicks in, it doesn’t let up very often. The story isn’t too particularly involved and just builds slightly on facts learned from the other films while adding a few new wrinkles. After all the death and carnage that occurs, Jason Bourne’s story really only moves forward just a little. All the performances are fine, but there’s just a lack of depth to all the supporting characters. There seems to be little explanation for their motivations, and when there is, it’s spelled out for us and not shown through the acting.
*** out of *****

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