Movie Review: 22 Jump Street

By | June 14, 2014

Pretty entertaining, but a bit repetitive. The overall plot and concept of this movie is pretty much the same as the first “Jump Street” film. In fact, there is a recurring joke in the film about the repeated storylines. The movie itself come very close to breaking the third wall on multiple occasions, and borders on feeling like a parody film, such as “Scary Movie.” Luckily, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum still have great chemistry together and the dumb jock/dork combination provides plenty of humor. The friction between the two is another rehash from the first film, although this time the joke is to portray their relationship as if they were two bickering lovers, which is funny at points but gets old after a while. While Ice Cube gets a bigger role here and has some fun with it, a few characters seem to just exist to make different versions of the same joke, over and over again. Overall, the jokes are hit and miss, but there are some hugely funny moments. The end credits feature a pretty funny montage that goes on for a bit, but has just enough twists to keep it interesting.

*** out of *****

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