Movie Review: This Is the End

By | June 16, 2013

Pretty solid comedy. The concept of “real” actors facing the Apocalypse could’ve failed easily, but with the cast of this move, it’s works perfectly. Everybody plays a funny caricature of themselves, with Michael Cera an early standout. There’s a bit of a jarring shift in tone when all Hell breaks loose, which also removes most of the cast from the movie. It seems to put a stop to all that would’ve been funny here, but once it settles in, things get good again. Almost all the comedy comes from the characters interacting with each other and it’s one of those movies that you find yourself smiling throughout. There’s a few standout scenes that are funny on screen but don’t sound that great if you describe them. Sometimes, just some of the back and forth between the characters gets funnier as it goes on. Also, the soundtrack really adds something to the film, merging funny visuals with just the right music.

**** out of *****

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