Movie Review: Man of Steel

By | June 15, 2013

Pretty underwhelming. There was just something missing throughout this movie. It seemed to have no “soul.” All the actors did an OK job, but their characters never seemed to get fleshed out. Henry Cavil made a good Superman, but the overuse of flashback rushed Clark’s journey and made it difficult to identify with him. There’s a lot of changed to what one would expect from a Superman film, and I spent a lot of time wondering how they would “fix” some of this stuff going forward with a sequel in order to keep with the classic mythos. Luckily, the ending seemed to set things into the right direction. I was unimpressed with the Kryptonian designs. The planet itself was a Star Wars with a hint of The Matrix, while their armors were too “Alien space jockey.” The action is too out of focus and there’re too many zooming in shots. The climactic battle has some great moments, but them Superman and his foes repeatedly crashing thought buildings gets old, especially when it appears that a lot of innocent people die on the background. It seemed like Superman was too caught up in his fights too worry about who’s getting hurt around him. Sure he’s fighting for his life, but you would expect him to take the fight someplace private.

** 1/2 out of *****

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