Movie Review: Jurassic World

By | June 13, 2015

While the film plays out almost exactly as you would imagine after watching the trailers, it’s still an enjoyable ride. Almost everything about this movie is predictable: Who lives, who dies, how the bad decisions will screw everybody over. However, that doesn’t seem to diminish the entertainment. Like the previous “Jurassic Park” films, all the fun is watching the dinosaur-fueled destruction. Fortunately, we don’t really have to wait very long for the big-bad dinosaur to get the action started. There’s a lack of tension throughout the movie, as you never feel as if the main characters are truly in danger. There’s not much blood involved, but many people die horrible screaming deaths, so the movie might not be for the youngest children. The storyline contains its share of plot holes and groan-inducing logic, but moves along quickly as things move from one set piece to the next. The effects are a bit shoddy at times, but overall still bring to life the amazing extinct creatures. The actors are all solid, and a few attempt to inject some more depth into their characters, but it feels a little unnecessary. None of the performances really stand out, except for Chris Pratt’s. He proves that he has all the tools needed to be the next big action star. A bit of a side note, parts of John Williams’ original score to the first film are used, and it’s amazing how much of an impact it has. Not just the actual emotions it invokes, but also the nostalgia you feel as you reflect on the original “Jurassic Park.”

*** out of *****


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