Video Game Review: Metroid Dread

By | November 14, 2021

**This review may contain minor gameplay SPOILERS***

Watch the more detailed review on YouTube

Samus Aran returns in “Metroid Dread” for a brand new adventure, that for better or worse feels like all her other adventures.

The Metroid series dips back into its side-scrolling roots and offers very little in terms of improving on the classic formula. Aside from some technical advancements, this feels like it a game that should’ve been released right after “Super Metroid.” (In fact, this felt more like something that would’ve been released on a handheld system, and it turns out it was originally conceived for the DS.) The gameplay is solid for what it is, but as expected there’s a ton of backtracking involved in completing the game…and even more for players trying to get all the upgrades. The plot is paper-thin, and small updates are dished-out periodically.

The game itself looks pretty polished, with solid level and creature designs. The layout is generally straight-forward, and advancing through the main part of the game isn’t too complicated. The most difficult challenge is the newest addition to the franchise: The EMMIs. These practically indestructible robots will hunt you relentlessly through their patrol area and can only be avoided and not killed. (Although at a certain point, you do gain the ability to defeat them one at a time in a convoluted fashion.)

While the mini-boss fights tend to get repetitive, the main bosses are all unique challenges. They can be frustrating at time as it takes a ton of damage to take them out, while they can kill you with a few good hits. There’s a cool game mechanic that allows you to counter certain attacks. This can be used on most enemies, and the bosses all have it least one attack that can be countered to set them up for massive damage.

There isn’t much replay value, unless you just want to collect all the upgrades. There’s no reward for getting 100%, so it’s more for bragging rights. (Some of the upgrades can be tricky to collect, especially the ones that take a complex combination of Speed Boosts and Spinesharks.)

Overall, “Metroid Dread” is a fun throwback, with challenging and unique boss battles. The repeated backtracking can get frustrating, and Samus is almost too overpowered later in the game after all the suit upgrades are unlocked.


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