Movie Review: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

By | November 11, 2022

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Thanks to strong acting and a story that properly pay tribute the life of Chadwick Boseman, the latest “Black Panther” film overcomes a long runtime and choppy pacing to deliver an entertaining experience. The story quickly dives into the untimely death of Bozeman, and eerily mirrors it with the Black Panther’s demise. The acting is fantastic, the grief is real and the way it’s all done is quick but very well done. The main plot starts up not too long after all of this, and after a decent start, the pacing becomes a problem. While Namor and his people are shown to be formidable, and the conflict is mostly spelled out pretty quickly, it takes too long for the stakes to feel high. None of the action scenes are too memorable and there’s not many of them as it is which makes the runtime feel longer than it already is. The final act just doesn’t quite pay off, from the action to the character arcs. However, the good-will the characters earned from their previous appearances go a long way to still enjoying the film overall.

*** out of *****