Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

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Despite the mediocre villain and the uninspiring plot, this film is still an emotional ride thanks to the character moments that pay off many plot points, some going all the way back to the first film. The basic plot is fairly straightforward, but with a few obstacles peppered-in plus some additional bad guys that feel a bit tacked-on. As far as the main villain goes, The High Evolutionary is set-up to big a Kang-level threat, but ends up not living up to the hype. What makes the movie work is the characters. This dysfunctional family, despite all the infighting, has created strong bonds with each other and so many moments hit the mark by taking advantage of those relationships. There’s a couple cool action sequences, and the humor works more often than not. The film looks good, with vibrant colors and bizarre landscapes, even though the CG can be obvious at times. As expected, the soundtrack adds an extra level to the movie. There’s a mid-credit scene worth checking out, and a post-credit that’s not as important.

**1/2 out of *****