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A bland film that stars with potential until it quickly gets bogged down by a silly origin story, which is followed by the main plot which is full of characters you struggle to care about, cheesy villains, and so-so action sequences. The movie starts off strong as it introduces the protagonist as a clever and extremely dangerous assassin with super-human strength and speed. (Although he prefers to call himself a hunter.) While it might have been fun seeing more of him doing what he does best, the plot moves on to a less interesting story. But not until they give us a tedious backstory, filled with a bunch of somewhat mystical elements that barely make any sense, and a bunch of characters that seem shoehorned in here because they’re going to be important later. Initially, the main plot seems like it will be more of what we saw at the start of the film, but it devolves into a boring family drama interjected with silly bad guys and a handful of action moments that are rarely that good. The effects are often hit or miss, the acting is flat, and the ending feel meaningless.
*1/2 out of *****