An uneven film, full of fantastic visuals and non-stop nostalgia, that tells fun story despite its weak characters and other flaws. While the basic structure in this movie will appeal mostly to games, the plot is good enough to keep general audiences interested, even though it gets convoluted at times. The visuals are impressive, and there will be at least one or two pop culture references that will connect with almost everybody watching the movie. The opening race sequence is the best action sequence in the film, and unfortunately, there’s not much that tops that, as they just overwhelm the screen with a surplus of fictional characters from video games, films and cartoon for the finale. The main actors do just enough to make you care, (even though we mostly see just their digital avatars). Some of the other important characters are in the background for so long it’s hard to identify with them once they become more prominent near the end of the movie.
**1/2 out of *****