Entertaining film, but lacks any real depth. While the characterization between Hiro and Baymax is solid, all the remaining characters exist solely to round out the superhero team. They have no backgrounds, real names or anything beyond generic sidekick archetypes. It’s also painfully obvious when they’re introduced that we’re getting some blatant foreshadowing of what their superpowered personas are going to incorporate. The villain is visually cool to look at, but the twist reveal is a bit predictable and his motives are flimsy. The plot takes a while to get going, and works well for a while till the climax, where everything seemed forced together for a big action showdown. The star here is Baymax, whose childlike innocence and non-threatening appearance make him hard not to like. His Iron Giant-like relationship with Hiro has some nice emotional beats, and is almost wasted by making this into super team original story. If you’re one of the small handful of people that read the original Big Hero 6 comic, you’ll find that the only thing that’s the same is the names of the characters and an homage to their super powers. There’s a scene after the credits that might be worth sticking around for.
**1/2 out of *****