Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame

By | April 27, 2019

Watch my SPOILER review on YouTube

An epic sequel to “Avengers: Infinity War,” that gets bogged down a bit by a slow, character-driven story, before opening the floodgates of big action sequences and extremely emotional moments. Despite some of the major plot points being a bit obvious going into the film, the overall story takes several unexpected twists and turns. There is virtually no action, most of the three-hour run time is character driven, and mostly breaks down to how Thanos’ snap affected their lives, and what they’re going to do about it. While it’s interesting stuff, the quite a few sequences where the lack of urgency causes the movie to drag somewhat in the first act. The film goes through a victory lap of sorts, and seems to spend a large amount of time delivering fan service. While fun to watch, it feels small-scale considering the stakes. However, the final act is something to behold: Jaw-dropping action sequences, which are followed by many scenes that pull at your heart strings in a variety of ways. While it’s overall satisfying, it feels at times like they overdid it. Shockingly, there are no post-credits scenes… if you don’t count a vague audio clip at the very end.

**** out of *****

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