Movie Review: Zombieland: Double Tap

By | October 19, 2019

Overall enjoyable, the long-delayed sequel to “Zombieland” doesn’t bring much new to the table. The basic story is nothing special, just an excuse to get our characters from point A to point B. The plot would’ve benefited from more defined threats to give the whole thing a bit of urgency. The humor is much the same as the first film, relying mostly on gory sight gags, Tallahassee’s hot-headedness and Columbus’ nebbishness…which is toned down quite a bit. Little Rock and Wichita don’t get a ton to do, but at least Emma Stone is given a couple strong acting moments. As far as the new cast members, most are just over-the-top caricatures. And considering how over-the-top the original crew is, the newcomers never come off as feeling anywhere close to real people. There aren’t many laugh-out-loud moments, but the humor works well enough to keep you smiling. The action is fine, but it’s a bit too stylish sometimes, and they breeze through most of it and the zombies rarely feel like a true threat. Also, there’s a pretty fun mid-credits scene worth sticking around for.

**1/2 out of *****

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