Movie Review: Godzilla vs. Kong

By | April 3, 2021

Watch the SPOILER review on YouTube

A fun action film that spends too much time with nonsensical subplots that add little to the overall project. Considering the fact the we’re told at the start of the film that the two lead monsters will fight each other the first chance they get, there’s a lot of time spent avoiding that from happening, and then some extremely convoluted plot points are required to bring them to blows. And even when we get to the main event, it’s clear that there’s another battle on the horizon, so it barely matters who wins. In the meantime, there are a lot of extraneous side plots going on. While a couple of them do seem to move the plot along, there’s a third story happening that seems shoehorned in just to work in characters from the last “Godzilla” film. And even then, two out of the three characters provide comic relief. This could’ve easily been trimmed down to just two protagonists. The franchise continues its world-building, but while there are some interesting concepts, a lot of it doesn’t make a lot of sense and instead of taking time to flesh out some of the concepts, we spend more time with the weaker human plotlines. (Thankfully they don’t waste a ton of time on their personal dramas or relationship woes.)

**1/2 out of *****

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